
joepeoplesvii t1_j1juib4 wrote

I asked if you are stupid. The crystalline structure of the batteries break and the batteries become useless. Stationary batteries absolutely need replaced as they are subject to the same charge, drain, recharge cycle of any battery. Standard cars don’t use cobalt but fuel refining does. About 1 pound for a few million gallons where a standard lithium ion battery cathode is about a third cobalt which isn’t much until upscaled to millions of units. Cobalt is recyclable in both cases. There is misinformation on both sides as both have agendas and billions of dollars invested.


joepeoplesvii t1_j1gtbkm wrote

Are you stupid? Lithium ion batteries have more than just lithium and have a huge impact environmentally before and after production. I get the push and I am not for continued oil consumption but at the same time there aren’t enough considerations being made to the supporting structures and processes that are required for the construction and disposal of these batteries. Lithium literally explodes when exposed to water and currently there are no requirements for companies to recycle lithium ion batteries so what happens when these vehicles age in 10 years and require new batteries?