
joe_digriz t1_j5qbfvp wrote

Not even that. The only parts getting anywhere close to 2" (maybe) are in the NorthWest; everyone else in that band gets less than an inch (or some sort of rain/sleet mix, more likely, given temperature forecasts).


joe_digriz t1_iy2m8um wrote

Pumpernickel, followed by Sesame. The former with cream cheese or as a deli sandwich (ham/cheese/turkey), the latter toasted with egg and cheese and either pork roll or bacon for breakfast.


joe_digriz t1_iy0gfay wrote

We watched this a few weeks ago for the first time, and even then, I somehow knew exactly what was coming in the next scene after that quote. Didn't make it any less funny.

Besides which, where else are you going to find a haunted, abandoned insane asylum located on top of a hill?


joe_digriz t1_iuhxu6w wrote

Reply to comment by Algae-Ok in Chris Christie? by Leftblankthistime

Oh, right, I forgot about the sales tax part. And the "don't worry, the funds are *constitutionally protected* from being used for anything but the Transportation Trust Fund" thing. Right, because that's really stopped them from reallocating (excuse me... "borrowing") the funds before.


joe_digriz t1_iughwej wrote

Reply to comment by peter-doubt in Chris Christie? by Leftblankthistime

About a year before he left office, he "negotiated" (read: did the Republican thing of shutting down parts of government - in this case, the Department of Transportation - until he got what he wanted) with the legislature both an immediate increase in the gas tax (over 20 cents/gal) and a reformulation of how it worked.

In addition to the base rate, which the tax cannot go below, it basically relies on two major factors - how much revenue it generated during the previous year, and how much it is projected to generate during the upcoming year. (There's also a small adjustment for inflation.) That formula then determines if the tax goes up or down from year-to-year, and by how much.

It was announced in Sept the gas tax would be about a penny less than it was last year, thanks to the increase in driving as people are trying to move past the pandemic, but that still puts us just outside the top-10 for gas tax as compared to other states.


joe_digriz t1_iuaitj5 wrote

Reply to 10 years ago by ReggieNJ

Being inland, we didn't get hit with the rain or water as much (despite being next to the D&R and Raritan)... but the wind ripped *EVERYTHING* apart. There were constant flashes of lights as transformers exploded from falling power poles, large trees ripped up from the roots, lots of houses which suddenly had large holes in the roof or siding, any loose stuff lying around was suddenly hundreds of yards away, etc.

Hillsborough looked like one of those disaster films, with wires and poles and housing materials and other debris spread all over the place.

I remember the biggest initial challenge to restoring power wasn't replacing the poles and wires, but just getting stuff cleared out enough to even get to the places.