
jlenko t1_iy41f5h wrote

Unfortunately the story doesn’t go into detail on who the “two boys and a girl” are, so I can only assume that they are Melissa/Melanie’s children. If one of them took a DNA test, it would show DNA matches. The story just doesn’t say where that information came from.

Without testing, you would have no idea. So there must have been someone down that family line that was tested.

Edit: you could always hop over to Twitter and ask the reporter for clarification


jlenko t1_irz6y1i wrote

Existing wiring won’t work for a smart switch, no. Unless it’s one that doesn’t require a neutral. I’ve installed a bunch of the Dewstops (Costco FTW!), they’re cheap, easy, reliable switches.. but you definitely need that neutral

A regular single pole switch would work just fine. If the old one didn’t work, then just replace it with another

But.. that wiring still bugs me. Is the black outer insulation rubber? Sure looks like cab tire in your picture


jlenko t1_irz1qau wrote

Oh, so many “no no no no no” moments here.

Your old switch was a switch leg setup. Black power in to switch, white wire out to fan. Green (ground) to bond metal. For safety.

To start with… is that cab tire? Like extension cord wire? Big no no there.

Switch burned out, because you have no neutral. The Dewstop switch needs a neutral to work properly. You connected it in series with the fan power… magic blue smoke escapes because it’s dead.

That box needs re-wiring… by a pro.