
jgoble15 t1_j23tbqq wrote

Gotcha, I understood “law” as a theory that is repeatable and testable. Maybe I was taught wrong, but something is a theory, no matter the amount of theoretical evidence, until it can be proven law (and this proof is more along the lines of the scientific method. Mathematical evidence, for example, cannot establish something as law).


jgoble15 t1_j23o11z wrote

To try to be completely accurate, this seems like a legal issue, and nothing is ever cemented until proven in court when it’s legal. It’s like how tectonic plates are a “theory” in science despite the evidence being highly compelling for them. We can’t, as of yet, scientifically test them so they remain a theory rather than law (iirc). It’s a system thing, even though it seems like it’s so obvious.


jgoble15 t1_irxooff wrote

I think part of it is also for emergency services. Might be a bit outdated now, but if a bad wreck happens they can use your license for identification to notify family and also have some basic health info. This is why I think they ask for sex, not gender, on the card