
jay5627 t1_j76q05j wrote

If your building doesn't allow pets but you've had one for at least (I think it's) 3 months without hiding it and no one has said anything, you're allowed to keep it


jay5627 t1_j6hxprc wrote

> Also crazy in the richest country in the world benefits aren't already guaranteed in retirement

They were guaranteed. People worked their whole lives below market rate for the security. Now that's being pulled out from under them. I'm not sure why any person would continue to work for the city if they have any other option. They've proven they won't keep their word


jay5627 t1_j1rp10r wrote

> I just don’t see it happening in the timeframe people aspire to

Well, nothing ever really happens on time when the gov't is setting the dates. I do agree it will be a net-positive when it's implemented, I just don't trust the grid to be updated and we'll be stuck with insufficient energy while everyone looks around with a shocked pikachu face


jay5627 t1_j1rjr9z wrote

Yes, smoking in the car is rude and obnoxious.

The amount of anxiety you have over this though is more than likely causing you more harm than whatever is airborne from these people


jay5627 t1_j12h240 wrote

I'd argue 60lbs is larger than 'medium' since most buildings have their weight limits lower. Everyone's dog is sweet, and would never do anything... until it does. The rule is if you're bringing a dog on the subway it must be in a bag, or container.

I'm not a baby because i consider the needs of others besides my own selfish ones. You sound like the person who keeps their dog off leash and when a kid runs away you laugh and say "but he loves people "


jay5627 t1_j0rikpc wrote

You can look at the data for yourself: https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiYjg1NWI3YjgtYzkzOS00Nzc0LTkwMDAtNTgzM2I2M2JmYWE1IiwidCI6IjJiOWY1N2ViLTc4ZDEtNDZmYi1iZTgzLWEyYWZkZDdjNjA0MyJ9

The first 3 quarters of 2022 had as many hate crimes against Jews as the whole 2021. The 194 number you referenced is the number of crimes the article claims to have looked into, not the number that has occurred.