
iwantjoebiden t1_jak7e4d wrote

Yeah, this exact walk used to be my commute, and I much preferred walking on Pratt. I always felt safe on Pratt, even in the dark (not sure how I would have felt in the middle of the night, but between 5 AM & 10 PM, I had no issues). Eutaw to Howard isn't my favorite stretch on Baltimore, nor is the block between Holliday and Gay.

Pratt is also just a lot more scenic. Once I would get to Light on my commute heading east, I'd cut down by the water, follow the path to the aquarium, continue to the area around the Four Seasons, and then walk down Lancaster tills Fells Point. Baltimore Street will talk you to President, which is fine safety-wise but has less to see.

ETA: Sorry, my eyes skimmed over the "Baltimore/Central" part of the post. Baltimore Street would be fine for convenience, as long as it isn't the middle of the night (going down near the Four Seasons would be totally out of the way, so disregard!). The only stretch I'd still hate as a woman is Holliday to Gay, so I might cut down to Water or up to Fayette if people didn't leave me be on that block.


iwantjoebiden t1_j3jcuz4 wrote

For instance, though, if I finish work at 7:15 PM, how do I know when a bus is coming? I'm a 50-min walk from home, so if the bus isn't coming for 40-60 minutes, I'd just walk. But if it lines up with the bus coming in the next 20 minutes, I'd rather wait for the bus. Knowing it comes every 40-60 minutes isn't helpful unless I somehow knew when the last one came, which is impossible to tell when I'm inside without windows.