
is_this_the_place t1_j10pchf wrote

I’ve worked closely with MPD. It is not an easy job, the bureaucracy is a lot, many good people but also some not so much.

This is true of all PDs and overall it seems to be better than average as police departments go.

If you want to do LE, seems like as good as any a place to start, unless you want to go federal.

EDIT: by “unless you want to go federal” I just meant that you might want to go directly to a federal agency instead.


is_this_the_place t1_iqsbcho wrote

This is very exciting and welcome! Would you consider posting updates about your trip when you get here? I would love to read them.

Re: food — of course try the “American” style restaurants, definitely worth doing once, but skip the Cheesecake Factory.

However, DC is known for amazing international food. This sub will have many good recommendations if you search.

One of my favorites is Little Serrow which serves northern style Thai food. Fixed menu. Spicy. Not sure about pork.

A second favorite is Maydan. Mediterranean-esque. Extremely good.