
insectula t1_j6a94eq wrote

I'm not certain what discussions are being shouted down, but this is a good resource for all kinds of good tech so it's a must in my book. I have seen a somewhat liberal hive mindset, but since this is intellectual fodder that is to be expected. It's still one of my top resources every morning.


insectula t1_iusmq9w wrote

I usually think "that would be cool" when I hear about ideas for the future, but never on the chips everywhere thing. I always thought "why" on that and solving a problem that isn't there. Our phones can take on a hell of a lot of tasks.

In fact this whole Metaverse thing...


insectula t1_iusidf3 wrote

I would say one of the biggest issues was Covid. It disrupted the chip market significantly, with roadblocks at every juncture. Just look at the GPU disaster. Things still are disrupted at points, and it will take some time to recover from all that. Plus Ray seems to be a bit optimistic on his predictions.

I'm a bit skeptical about chips in clothing etc. I mean there has to have a good purpose, and apart from specialty items, I see no logical reason for chips to be in clothing and some of these other predictions.


insectula t1_iqs9eyi wrote

This is why I don't think you need to get to AGI before the exponential ramp-up to Singularity, you simply have to create something that can design its successor. AGI will happen along the way.