
idc69idc t1_j8iqgwm wrote

Near Tualatin is Carter knives (Hillsboro, iirc). Handmade right there. Shuns can be had anywhere and sharpened anywhere for $5 or less (if unable to at home). I'm a professional chef, and I stay away from VG10 steel. I've had microchips in my Shuns, and I've seen many coworkers' be "tipped" easily. They were popular in upscale kitchens 10-15 years ago, but that was before specialty kitchen knife shops started opening in the states. Shun's heat treat is brittle. My favorite right now for everyday use is my Ashi Ginga 240mm gyuto. Check out Portland Knife House to see the whole world of kitchen knives.


idc69idc t1_j10p5j9 wrote

I'm a professional chef, and this is my favorite of the ~30 chef knives I've used. I have "better" carbon steel knives, but this is the trusty, durable go-to. It's sold out and has been for a while, but there are similar knives (240mm, ginsan/ginsanko/silver 3 stainless steel, the handle type doesn't matter).
