
iamamuttonhead t1_jdwsppb wrote

My younger kid was not reading in kindergarten and his teacher was very worked up about it. We were adamant that it was not a problem and that he would read when he was ready to read. By the end of first grade he was reading well beyond his peers. By third grade he was getting in trouble for reading in class after he had done his classwork. Sometimes teachers can be stupid just like everyone else. In any case, letting the rascal sneak in extra reading is not really a problem.


iamamuttonhead t1_jdogsb9 wrote

The one vaccine you mentioned. This vaccine (or the versions that work) uses the approach of live attenuated fungus which may face regulatory hurdles in humans.

The live attenuated approach is being used in this not-yet-approved one:


I believe, though, that at least in the U.S. there is not a single approved anti-fungal vaccine for humans.


iamamuttonhead t1_jdncssq wrote

A vaccination can be for anything for which you want to "prime" the immune system. Priming means exposing the immune system to something which will produce a condition where the immune system can respond more quickly when it encounters that something again. In theory, we could get vaccinated against fungi as well but given that they are evolutionary far closer to animals than are bacteria or viruses requiring the vaccine efforts to focus on specific differences (e.g. cell wall sugars in fungi). Even so, there may be problems with, for instance, creating food allergies (we eat a lot fo fungi and fungi are close to plants evolutionarily).


iamamuttonhead t1_j6latp4 wrote

Computers don't "need" GPUs. It's just that if you have the CPU doing all of the processing for images then there is a whole lot less CPU "time" available to do all the general-purpose stuff a computer does and everything would be slower - including the graphics. GPUs are designed to mathematical processing very quickly and can do graphics processing while the CPU is doing other general-purpose stuff. There are lots of chips on a motherboard doing special purpose stuff so that the CPU doesn't have to do it (that's why phones now have SoC - they put a bunch of special purpose shit on the same die as the CPU).


iamamuttonhead t1_j21up4x wrote

The politics are entirely the point. Ayn Rand set out to write political polemic in fiction. Her goal was to sell her political philosophy to young people. She never tried to hide her intent.


iamamuttonhead t1_j1v0kth wrote

"no real standout performance per se"??? Gary Oldman was and is brilliant in this.

Interesting that you like S2 more than S1. S1 was very, very close to the book while S2 has tweaked the story a bit more for television.


iamamuttonhead t1_iuoye1q wrote

Except that's not what's happening. The Glazers purchase was HIGHLY leveraged (the debt was twice the cash invested). Their return on THEIR investment is far, far greater than 7% ARR. Their roughly $500M investment has an ARR much closer to 15% - far better than any stock index. I'd also add, as a marque EPL team, there was essentially zero downside risk, I defy you to find a better investment.