
hoxxxxx t1_jbyg289 wrote

honestly i don't think either of them is the better show. i like them both equally and appreciate the differences in what they are trying to be and what they accomplished. and there is so much overlap in the staff/talent between the two shows that i consider them to kinda be the same show but different volumes or chapters or whatever you wanna call it.


hoxxxxx t1_j6e536d wrote

i like the idea behind scaling up traffic tickets for someone's wealth/income, a few countries do that and it make sense. should happen with a lot of fines or else the fines don't even matter.

like that walmart heiress that keeps getting duis. what a dui in the end, like 20-30k? that's literally nothing to her. there is no incentive to change her behavior. but that amount is absolutely devastating to a working or lower-middle class person, achieving it's goal.


hoxxxxx t1_j2elpvj wrote

i don't know about the box office numbers and i'm always confused about people that care about that sort of thing while having no connection to the profits being made, with that said cameron is an incredibly filmmaker and a much better one than bay. and i love bay's movies btw.

cameron is a visionary director, just look at his career.


hoxxxxx t1_j1i7qg1 wrote

i finished the tv series a few weeks ago. it's some of the best sci-fi ever made for tv no doubt. the last couple seasons are still better than most of what's out there but they are absolutely a let down compared to what came before. i found myself doing the 10s skip ahead quite a bit.

hopefully it gets a chance to be finished but who tf knows