
holmgangCore t1_jef3pf4 wrote

I read something that said “If your shadow is longer than you are tall, you’re not getting enough sunlight to make Vitamin D in your skin.”

I haven’t been able to confirm that or not… anyone know if that’s true?


holmgangCore t1_jdylsf1 wrote

So a serious CME could hit Earth in 20 hours. 1 AU in 20 hours. That’s ~4.6 million mph and literally billions of tons of charged particles.

Anton Petrov had a recent episode on the CME of March 13th with some video from the SDO that might give you some sense of scale & speed.

How close would these drones be to the Sun? 1/2 AU? 1/4 AU?


holmgangCore t1_j517uyn wrote

Two Points:

  1. Whoever they are, they want to damage your quality of life… Causing electricity blackouts? How is that a good thing? These people are idiots.
  2. If they want to foment an anachronistic “race war”.. they will find themselves on the losing end. Why? Because many folks like myself stand with & will fight with our brethren & sistren of color.

The Earth is lands & oceans of color.. and those of us that understand we are all one human race together.. . . . Well, we vastly outnumber the silly toddlers shooting at substations.

We’re much stronger than you think, silly billies!


holmgangCore t1_j4z6vbs wrote

Just a tangent off your comment that “Wa’s are a hell of a lot more courteous”..:

I think it’s very interesting that one can perceive the “driving culture”, or to be more specific, “driving norms” in any given city or even region sometimes. Interstate highways too.

I’ve driven in many places and I first noticed this in Detroit. The street style there is basically, “you can do anything as long as you don’t impede someone else”. It’s extremely casual & you can feel it just driving around, but it’s chill & safe.
. I’ve seen people do full U-turns in the middle of a standard 4-way stop-light intersection, but hindering no one, it didn’t matter. And the cops there sure have better things to worry about.

I’ve heard that Boston drivers are “uptight” somehow, and tend to cut people off, especially when it comes to highway exits. But that’s hearsay.

In Seattle my sense is that people are “polite to a fault”, or otherwise kind of oblivious. I’ve seen more right turns done too early with oncoming traffic than I would expect. Which remains puzzling to me.
. But it’s generally the former, “polite”. Which is definitely a good ‘problem’ to have.

It’s just interesting that “street style” or “driving normative behaviour” is so readily observed & assessed when living or driving in a new area.

I’m curious: What do you mean by ‘courteousness’ with Washington drivers? Can you give some examples?


holmgangCore t1_j4yzkz1 wrote

I’m firmly in the camp of: Lights On All the Time

Lights On during the day has apparently been shown to reduce car accidents. That’s enough for me.

And, having a non-computer car, always having the lights on means that I am in the habit of always turning the lights off when I park & get out, so I never accidentally leave my lights on.

“Computer cars” should just have the lights on all the time, day or night, IMHO. I’ve heard this is true in Canada. It’s insane to me that it’s not also true in the US.