
hiricinee t1_jefs2u0 wrote

If you look at food and energy over long periods, they work nicely.

The catch is look at something like eggs in the last few months. Was the doubling of egg prices evidence that prices across the board were going up, or was it an anomaly that corrected quickly? We'd be foolish to think that we were looking at an at large inflationary trend when they went up, or conversely, that there was a deflationary trend at large when they came back down.


hiricinee t1_je3avkz wrote

"Exhaustion" which famous people suffer from is something their publicist tells the public, it's essentially made up by them (even though the person might be exhausted.) The medical diagnosis they would probably have would be something like a fluid imbalance (they need to drink more water or aren't getting enough salt) or a problem with drugs.


hiricinee t1_jc2w8g3 wrote

Right now the cap on the payroll tax is at around 150, very much to the point if wealthy people are living longer than means testing the benefits would reduce payments to them more. Of course the problem with that is that there's a lot less rich people than poor ones.

Also almost all of these ideas go against the principle of ss, which was to be a government sponsored retirement program you paid into and got out once you retired. Basically all of the ideas to fix it completely neglect that (out of necessity.)


hiricinee t1_jbzf92p wrote

Agreed but the catch is the return on investment is much lower. If your property value means nothing to you then affordability is everything, but would you rather be paying 1k in mortgage plus 800 in local taxes, or 1.3k in mortgage plus 500 in local taxes?


hiricinee t1_jbysdrk wrote

As far as I can tell most localities basically leave money on the table with high tax rates. Raising property taxes decreases the price of the homes, which in turn results in a damper on revenue. You likely get a small bump in revenue with a rate increase in the short run followed by a decrease in the long run as the home prices stagnate.


hiricinee t1_j7enoav wrote

People have no idea how much lifting helps. You skipped right to the hard part that helps the most.

My tip is to focus on the big muscle group exercises- squats, deadlifts, and bench/floor presses for your chest. If your goal is the mental health and general health benefits, and you're not doing a rigorous routine where you're focusing on every muscle group, your goal is to lift as much volume of weight as you can in as short of a time as you can.

Very good work though, you're a motivational inspiration.


hiricinee t1_j6p0sa0 wrote

The problem is that the two options here doesn't fully grasp the situation. Let's say you're the leader of a poor country, and a lot of your country doesn't have access to water. You don't have constriction equipment to make the water supply yourself, but you have SOME money. A private company comes and offers to supply the water to everyone, but they're going to charge for it to cover their cost and make some money. Now everyone has water but it's a private commodity. To complicate things "clean" drinking water, like we have in the rich world. Is really hard and expensive to make.

You also suffer from a "tragedy of the commons" if you just make water free for everyone all the time. At some point you have to charge for it, or I could just use it for all the stupid stuff I want, or a big company could use it to turn a generator then send it back so it's much more expensive. The advantage to privatizing it is that a company will control the price so that they can make improvements and upgrades to the system, a public system will need money from outside the supply to maintain itself.

I've made the case for the private commodity here, there are MANY problems with it.