
hideandsink OP t1_jaac3mt wrote

Reply to comment by misterfriend in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

I do understand that some movies are just for a bit of fun. But it still takes the other qualities to build it and make it good. So many now just lack on all fronts.

I feel as though it does just play to ADHD well for me. The shorter watch time is one of them. And I enjoy familiarity, but that’s something I’m actively trying to combat. (I get waaay too comfortable in my comfort shows).

Ah, yes. I’m with you. I think that’s why I enjoyed Black Mirror so much. I still need to watch The Last of Us.

I’d really appreciate that! Thank you so much, Mister Friend


hideandsink OP t1_jaa7047 wrote

Reply to comment by misterfriend in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

Yeah I definitely think that’s my issue with modern movies. I’m 25 so I feel like I kinda grew up with those throwaway movies. So I do wanna get into the classics.

I feel that’s probably why I tend to prefer tv series to movies. I get to know the characters and kind of bond with them. I’m hoping to relate more to stories in movies, too. Which is why I’m seeking out more relatable stuff.

A good soundtrack is EVERYTHING. I’m very into music so if a movie has a good soundtrack, I’m definitely more likely to engage with and remember it. I’ll have a look into their stuff. Thank you so much!!


hideandsink OP t1_ja9yg8f wrote

Reply to comment by misterfriend in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

Goodfellas and Casino are already on my list, and I’ll add the others! Thank you, again.

I totally agree. I feel as though I know what to look for now in a good movie. I often find that I don’t remember whether I’ve seen movies or not because I lose so much of the plot due to not being able to pay attention all the way through. So when I remember a movie I know it’s good lol. I’m just trying to find good movies and appreciate them. I’ve found value in good storytelling and also the art of cinema so I’m quite keen to get into some good ones!

I do find that a lot of movies are just made for one to be made. I think I get somewhat frustrated because those seem to saturate the movie market for me. I get a little impatient because I feel like I’ve wasted my time if I’ve invested it in a movie that’s just not good.


hideandsink OP t1_ja9tyl2 wrote

Reply to comment by SoftPois0n in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

Yeah I’m trying to force myself too lol. I do enjoy them, they’re just somewhat of a commitment for me.

I’ve already seen some of those that I love! I’ll add the rest and I’ll look into that, thank you so much :)


hideandsink OP t1_ja9pewk wrote

Reply to comment by hifidood in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

I try to not look at phone when I watch stuff, if I do I have to skip back. I may need to keep fidgets near me while I watch! I reeeaaalllyyy have to have the energy to watch foreign things with subtitles, it’s a massive commitment for me because it requires so much of my concentration. Saying that, one of my favourite movies is The Intouchables.