
herpaderp43321 t1_j5y5r0v wrote

Thought the EU mostly had their issues worked out? Plus another commenter said china hates the west for "picking on them when they were too weak to do anything about it" as if the only reason china isn't strong right now is cause of the west. It's like they don't understand if they get caught off, they collapse basically on the spot. It's in their best interest here to just let something like the drug wars and what not go if they really want to prosper.


herpaderp43321 t1_iycn2az wrote

Statistics matter greatly here. Due to the nature there's likely a big enough gap between the two, that yes you can say it is one party largely and not the other.

Put effort to clean both, focusing on the bigger one 1st. In this case as far as what seems to be released and opinions go it is logical to conclude that reps. are far more influenced.