
hawkbit92 t1_jc6ly2o wrote

Anneslie and Rodgers Forge neighborhoods.

Close to the city, little shops in the area as well as bigger ones, walkable, good schools very close by, lots of young families to get to know. I grew up in Anneslie and it was absolutely wonderful. Made some really great childhood friends and it was very safe and still is. Honestly, would love to live there again one day.


hawkbit92 t1_j6hxdls wrote

I quit back in December for health reasons as well as my issues with bingeing.

I was diagnosed with lymes disease back in early November, took my medication, but then once I completed my treatment I decided to "celebrate" with some drinks with friends. We basically drink from 1pm until 10pm non stop. I ended up getting a fever and horrible body aches and joint pains. I had never had that prior to my diagnosis. Needless to say, I had to stop alcohol all together. So after that I bought a couple books on sober living and the science behind alcohol and how it's terrible for our health. The books have kept me on track and have helped me completely change my mindset towards alcohol. I no longer have cravings for it and can go out to eat or even go to bars and order a ginger ale instead of a beer.

I have also noticed that I used alcohol as a source of calming my anxiety in social situations. Without it now though, I have learned to be content with who I am out in public and have learned how to sit with my emotions and feelings. It's actually quite nice to be out with friends and have a clear mind!

I also enjoy the feeling of waking up without hangovers anymore from sound and restful sleep. My skin has cleared and my brain is no longer foggy (lymes related but elevated by alcohol). I started going to the gym again and my energy levels have improved so my physical body has really changed for the better.

I'm just overall really happy with quitting. It's really changed my life perspective.

All of these things combined have really helped me stay motivated! :)


hawkbit92 t1_iw7aze3 wrote

Yeah, one day back over the summer, my husband and I were out to lunch in fells point. We were sitting outside and there was a group of kids(5-6 of them) that just decided to come and use up two other tables. The hostess asked them to leave, but they just laughed at her and they continued to yell profanities. She looked so defeated. My husband ending up asking them politely to just respect the other diners while they were there, but instead of just saying sorry, they started yelling and screaming at us, and started to gang up on us and sit down with us. I remember one kid staring me down about to jump me until he saw my dog was sitting with us. He just said, "oh they got a dog y'all..." as if THAT was the only thing that stopped them from going any further with us.

It's honestly just sad. They were young. The eldest not even 15 by the looks of it. They ended up leaving, but we stayed at the table for a while waiting for them to be out of site just incase they decided to jump us later. They didn't, but it's depressing that I, a grown adult, had to even be wary of them later as we walked back to out car.

I'm sorry this happened to you, OP. I hope you are able to get help with the possible PSTD you may have. Please be safe out there.