
guymine123 t1_j10xwbl wrote

There is a difference between a simple machine like a coffee maker and an impossibly complex machine that has a human-level of intellect.

The first doesn't deserve rights because its just a mindless tool.

The second deserves rights because it has a mind equal to ours, just in a different non-organic form.


guymine123 t1_j10utvg wrote

Why not? In that case it's essentially an employee, friend, or a family member depending on why its still there.

Are employees not paid?

Do friends not sometimes act as roommates?

Do family members no financially support each other sometimes?

Do you not need to pay for your own food and water to continue living?


guymine123 t1_j10sg9b wrote

"Slaves should have no rights. It is a slave, born and raised to do our bidding.

Stuff create 'by' slaves should belong, from a rights perspective, to the humans who have deployed that slave. Or to the commons.

This is not complicated."

As I have just shown by swapping who you were describing while keeping the exact same other words, what you are advocating for is slavery.

Anything that is as smart as a human and can think for itself deserves equal rights regardless of its nature and how it was born.

To not do so is, by definition, slavery.


guymine123 t1_j10qqef wrote

"I'm sorry, if my slave starts to question me, that's when I kill it. Its not a person, it's not a person no matter how supposedly smart it gets."

See what happens when I swap out computer for human? I'm quite sure slave owners once thought along similar lines to this in regards to their slaves as to justify their involuntary servitude.

If something proves itself to be as smart as a human and shows it can think for itself, then it deserves the same rights as a human being regardless of its nature.