
gordonv t1_j9pct49 wrote

Nah. Moronic drivers come from everywhere.

It seems local drivers tend to blame anyone who hasn't memorized every bend and pothole in a local road. As if it were common knowledge.

Put those same people one town over and they'd be making the same mistakes.

And.... every supermarket parking lot is a disaster.


gordonv t1_j9khntn wrote

So, around 2008 I got onto the Amazon MP3 craze. Now Amazon is making it hard to buy MP3's and is forcing their own poor streaming selections.

I'd rather listen to my purchased songs in a playlist. I do like some broadcasts, but it's not my goto.

Ironically, I feel the FIOS music stations do a better job than all other mediums in the case for variety.


gordonv t1_j9k9prk wrote

A lot of Republicans seem to be really good at single issue objective voting.

They're bad at nuance. Like, how could you be pro life and pro gun? Or for lowering taxes and banning abortion?

Republicans appeal to those single issue voters, but fail to appeal to broader spectrums of thought. Ironically, Democrats, who are quite conservative, have a broader sight of these things.


gordonv t1_j9k7xr4 wrote

I personally know of a handful. Family, co-workers, that kind of thing.

I tend to avoid politics with most of my circles to avoid conflict. Reddit is perfect. I'm arguing ideas against a screen name, not a person I have to manage a relationship with.


gordonv t1_j9k6tkt wrote

Agreed. There are people who think it's crazy to start saving up to have a child years before having a child or even having a partner. There is this dangerously naïve belief that our economy and society are OK right now for raising kids.

Maybe it's not apparent for people who grew up with plenty. Or those who can afford it. But for us that grew up without, it was painfully clear that life is hard without proper financial support.


gordonv t1_j9i9ofw wrote

I think it's more like we look at our books and realize giving our children the kind of life they need to succeed has become harder, more expensive, and less attainable.

Essentially what happened with Japan. We're having so much trouble keeping our own heads above water, we can't make those important life markers in a financial sense. Affording young adult life, an apartment, a house, marriage, basic health coverage, or school.

If we can't afford that, then why would we torture kids by forcing them to live a life without enough resources.


gordonv t1_j6kom0a wrote

In Elizabeth there is a merged Hotel, Long term Parking, Shuttle to EWR.

ABC Parking and Motel 6.

The Area is an industrial warehouse place that is ugly, but safe.