
gooeydelight t1_jadcmt9 wrote

Ah yeah I think everyone knows reddit's a magnet for the worst kinds of people thanks to the anonimity... But I was just trying to cheer OP up.

...and it's painfully clear u/H0tlips76 should've just been ignored. Maybe they're... decent... in person, but in this instance, thinking they know better than OP and actively trying to make them feel bad is not a good look, to say the least. That's certainly all they wanted to achieve.

And unfortunately, OP got put in the situation in which they impulsively started explaining themselves to someone who never cared in the first place... because of course it's a concern they have, they noticed it in time and can work from here. It's in the friggin title lmao.

But implying they somehow deliberately caused the dog harm, that's as useless (maybe even counterproductive) as it is hurtful - in any instance, no doubt. And they probably knew it.

It's just so infuriating... I'm sad they were made to waste their precious time - time that could've been spent with their gorgeous doggy </3