
fvb955cd t1_jddux17 wrote

It's not inconsistent to want gun control and also have the sense that school districts have utterly failed at implementing any sort of functioning behavior modification system that is acceptable to progressives. Schools can't help with gun control. School administrations are directly responsible for keeping their students safe and part of that means controlling students with disciplinary measures.


fvb955cd t1_jdddtz9 wrote

The obvious solution to all of this is more restorative justice sessione between two soon to be murder victims, the murderer, and a random teacher who took a two hour online class on how to conduct restorative justice sessions. Absolutely no need for anything else, not social workers or psychologists or police, nope, those are all bad


fvb955cd t1_jd6o2tz wrote

I've never worked for a police department but I have worked in various government agencies. Foia/public records work is absolutely soul crushing work. It's regularly used as a dumping ground for people agencies can't fire but want to get rid of, and promising managers (if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere). You have to herd cats to get every office and division that touched something to propose redactions based on their specialized knowledge, and the person ostensibly leading the collection is probably like a 60 year old man who sleeps at his desk half the day and spends the other half posting political Facebook memes, but he's buddies with various muckity muck senior career managers or union stewards so he's untouchable.

When it's all said and done, and records are sent out the day before the judge is getting ready to sanction everyone involved, you get a call from angry officials upset that no one redacted such and such thing that was super sensitive. But those fuckers signed off on it as being fully redacted.

Its a problem of attitude, unpleasant conditions (at the federal level, the time lines are from the pre-digital era), and borderline abuse by politically aligned groups that shift based on the administration, to fish for any sort of juicy dirt and otherwise just Gum up agency resources.

I would quit before having to deal with the process again. I'm all for accountability but the sausage of it is terribly unpleasant to grind and pack.


fvb955cd t1_jd32xtv wrote

Google once took a whole year to update a organization address that I managed from a power transformer station to our actual address, about 4 miles away despite almost weekly communications and sending them every possible document we had with our address on it, street view pictures of the transformer station that was very clearly not a public swimming pool and day camp, and pictures of our big sign on a completely different road than the transformer station. From what I understand, this process had been going on for at least a year prior to my hiring as well, with my predecessor.

I really would not put much stock in googles "checking"


fvb955cd t1_jcgcchc wrote

It is a legal term with a scope that varies by Jurisdiction and type of agreement. For rentals, another way to say it is an implied warranty of habitability. Reasonable surrounding volume is a part of it, but its a very Jurisdiction and fact specific matter, and also covers things like working plumbing and electricity, the right to exclude others from your rented space, that no one else is also renting and using that space, and basic cleanliness of space controlled by the landlord.

Where it has absolutely nothing to do with volume or noise is in real property purchases. Real property comes with a covenant of quiet enjoyment if the seller is promising that there aren't any claims against the property, no disputed ownership of it, no liens, etc. You could sell a house stuck between a rooster farm and an open air flashbang grenade testing facility and have it still meet the requirements for a covenant of quiet enjoyment


fvb955cd t1_jaqznzi wrote

Yeah I woke up one day to a bunch of state patrol and a big "cyber enforcement division" truck outside on a neighboring street. Turns out a guy got busted for possession and distribution. It got maybe a paragraph from the local news blogs and another after conviction. Not a whole lot to say about it, the guy was a nobody. I'm sure that's not unusual that it just goes on in the background and most folks don't notice.


fvb955cd t1_ja9oaqg wrote

A woman shrieks in the back of an uber black. The baby is crowning. The driver has a look of panic on his face. It isn't the birth happening. That's routine as DC's millennial residents head for the suburbs with the birth of their first child

The dad asks what is wrong. Why are the police blocking Westmoreland circle. In the distance, they can clearly see a dispute between the Maryland and dc border guards. Things should be in place. Uber black is supposed to cover the bribes needed to flee the District of Carjackers (renamed in 2024 by Dictator Obama in honor of his supporters). Maryland had thrown off the yoke of liberal taxation oppression and put the great Hogan back in power to restore law and order. DC was cracking down on the exodus of dinks to fund violence interupters and basic 6 figure guaranteed income for drug dealers. The uber speeds forward. There is nothing for this new family in the rear view mirror. The future and survival lies across that border...


fvb955cd t1_j9dxz4m wrote

Russia is about to experience the hellish torment of waking up, brushing their teeth with a bottle of jack, and being forced to party endlessly as if time has no meaning and no escape from the celebration. Initial joy will turn to horror and they drink more and more to just die, but they just keep waking up feeling like p diddy as the party continues.


fvb955cd t1_j5rt58c wrote

A big issue with it is that it is really only relevant to a segment of lawyers - state law generalists. The sort of lawyer who you go to to get a will, sue for a slip and fall, set up your llc, and represent you for your dui.

That is one of the larger groupings of lawyers, but its one of a ton of different groupings. And now more than ever, most lawyers specialize. The bar does nothing for lawyers in the transactional field (think drafting contracts and other business documents), and nothing for those in the regulatory world (when government agencies say you or your company needs to do something and you won't go to jail for refusing or breaking their rules but you'll pay money). The bar is focused on litigation the third major discipline, but also again focuses on specific state law, not federal law issues, or any of the many subjects not tested. In effect, you could take someone who spends their whole life as a professional contract negotiator and writer, someone at the absolute top of their profession, put them through law school, and whether they could continue to do their job as a lawyer, would be based on shit like their knowledge of divorce laws and criminal law court procedure. I'm in an office of 30, in a practice area of probably a few thousand nationwide, and what we do every day isn't tested anywhere. What value does it provide us?

Theres also the issue that you don't practice like you take the bar. Bar prep is a 2 month intensive, full time study process where you memorize as much as you can about a bunch of subjects, and then write about them and take a multiple choice test about all 15+ subjects.

In reality, the only time that I have had to know something in advance, without time to do prep research, was in a natural disaster with lives on the line. And it wasn't a bar exam subject, which are all pretty slow moving and routine subjects that wouldn't save or cost lives in a disaster.


fvb955cd t1_j5r2pal wrote

No attorney is concerned unless they make their living on rote work that a paralegal or intern could do. I've seen what chatgpt does with my field of law. It can write blog posts summarizing the basics. It has no concept for nuance, no ability to correctly or even coherently apply facts to law, and fails the second you ask it anything beyond the easiest questions. It's the mind of thing that looks functional to people who aren't actually lawyers, and looks comically rudimentary to lawyers.


fvb955cd t1_j563bfk wrote

Do they not? This seems like part of the massive assumption that I frequently see cited here, and basically never see in reality. There are two places where transplants actually seemed really detached from natives, and actually likely to leave within a few years, the military and universities. Outside that, my federal agency is filled with people who are transplants and havent left for 20+ years and will die here, and natives of many generations to dc. The notion that there aren't native dc residents in the largest and most geographically stable industry in town is mind boggling to me, and completely unsupported by my own experiences. Where do people think a massive chunk of the recent black Middle class works?