
fullstackbuffoon t1_j2fa0s6 wrote

No one attributed everything to Covid; that’s you creating strawmen to defend your position. You are hand waving very real factors in the rise of violent crime, and ignoring other factors like police refusing to do their damn job as a result of nationwide movement toward more accountability.


fullstackbuffoon t1_j2f89vu wrote

Pretty ironic considering you’re ignoring the impact of a multi-year global health crisis on the mental wellness and economic stability of a whole lot of people as if those two factors aren’t significant drivers of violent crime.


fullstackbuffoon t1_j2adv15 wrote

Use of force restraints do nothing to prevent murders, except murders of citizens by police. For use of force restraints to have any impact on the murder rate would require officers to routinely interrupt murders in progress, showing up after the fact is a deterrent to nothing. Gtfoh.