
freeprince1982 t1_j2fvmee wrote

>I don't think I can because I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

A good actor would have played other roles. Be known for some good acting. If I told you Tom Hanks didn't act well in Forest Gump or The Terminal you could show me another movie where he acted well besides those to show me he is a dynamic actor with acting skills. I don't see people doing that here. I'm basically seeing white knighting and people saying that the character has poor writing. I could easily imagine other actors carrying this role with more integrity and be funnier and more amusing to watch. If you guys really like her, by all means, Stan for your life. I just don't see why she is necessary or important. In fact, she makes me hold a partial grudge against the show for casting her.


freeprince1982 t1_j2fsp84 wrote

People keep saying that she is rude. I don't see her as rude. I see her as deaf, distracted, and overall kind of senseless and overacting. When she is meant to express emotion she still seems like she's trying to play it off too hard. It's like watching an acting class student who paid a lot for a great school but still has no idea how to be convincing. I just see it as overacting. It's like she's watching herself and herself alone in her head and it makes her look weird and disconnected and like she makes too many mannerisms with her hands and face just to speak a single sentence. It's so unnatural. I've never seen any of her other credits. Literally every single other supporting character I like more, even the ones I hate I like more because they give me emotion and a story.


freeprince1982 t1_j2elqlw wrote

So you're saying she's a 'good actor'? I have to disagree. I work in tech and work with tons of people in IT, Networking, cyber security and none of them act like she does. Albeit, I don't work with devs, still, I have friends which are reclusive, anxious people, and they do act weird, but Poppy instead acts like an alien in a human skin, not like a reclusive coder.


freeprince1982 t1_j2d8lt6 wrote

I agree about Ian. He, and most other characters in the show are total memes. They are so unrealistically stuck in their tropes it's almost like reading a comic strip how the jokes play out. That being said, I find it enjoyable as a whole and each of those characters I find very entertaining, with the exception of Poppy Li. I feel like when I see her I see a teenager trying to act in a school play. I see poor acting skills and an overzealous role. I am taken out of the story into a feeling of being bothered by the person. I can try to ignore it for a while and tolerate the show but it just keeps coming back. When I see her trying to act nervous or anxious I just think "Anxious people never act like that. This is so weird."