
foomp t1_japmcpk wrote

He's using two different phrases to describe two different things. A hydraulic lock happens when a compressive space gets filled with an incompressible substance, typically water. That is a hydrolock.

The fuel injector doesn't put enough water into the cylinder to create that situation, but it does insert enough water to interrupt proper combustion.


foomp t1_ix1g7rj wrote

Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Vermont Native by brymandog

Vermonters are friendly. But it takes a long time for it to happen. Until then it's usually taciturn standoffishness.

The 'I moved to "participate" in the economy' is a very very not Vermont thing to say. The 'be left alone' bit is pretty Vermont of you though.

There's an old Vermont saw that goes like this:

> A farmer and his neighbor were sitting on the porch when man from down south drives up.
"Excuse me, is this the road to Jericho? I'm running late and a bit lost, any help would be appreciated".
"Yup. 'bout thirty more miles an' yer there".
The stranger headed off down the road. When he was out of sight the neighbor turned to the farmer.
"Why didn't you tell that man the bridge is out?".
"He didn't ask."


foomp t1_it6tlal wrote

I see it. Prop 5 reiterates that the VT constitution is the ' overarching ' legal framework of the state and provides "... natural, inherent, and unalienable rights."

By supporting prop 5, there will be a referendum on the primacy of the state Constitution. Said Constitution is quite thin in its description of the right to bear arms, and by extension, the additional framework that can be applied to moderate access to guns.

Passing prop 5 will open up lawsuits on several fronts, not just gun control.