
fitzroy95 t1_jeaxlin wrote

SEOUL/TAIPEI, March 30 (Reuters) - The criteria for new U.S. semiconductor subsidies is worrying companies such as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (005930.KS) and SK Hynix Inc (000660.KS), South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Thursday, a concern shared by the world's leading contract chipmaker in Taiwan.

Conditions include sharing excess profit with the U.S. government, and three industry sources said the application process itself could expose confidential corporate strategy.

Yoon met with United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai in Seoul, and asked the U.S. government to consider companies' concern over an "excessive level of information provision", the presidential office said.

Subsidies would come from a $52 billion pool of research and manufacturing funds earmarked under the United States' so-called CHIPS Act, for which the Commerce Department announced guides and templates this month.

SK Hynix parent SK Group plans to invest $15 billion in the U.S. chip sector, including to build an advanced chip packaging factory, and has said it is considering applying for funding. Samsung is building a chip plant in Texas that could cost more than $25 billion and has said it is reviewing the guidelines.

However, funding applications may require detailed cost structure information as well as projected wafer yields, utilisation rates and price changes, which three Korean chip sources told Reuters was akin to revealing corporate strategy.

"All of this is confidential information. The most important thing in chips is cost structure. Experts will be able to tell our strategy at a glance," said one of the sources, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Speaking at an industry event in Taiwan, the chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) (2330.TW), the world's largest contract chipmaker, said it had concerns too.

"We are still discussing with them. There are some conditions that cannot be accepted. We hope that they can be adjusted so there will be no negative effect. We will continue to talk to the U.S. government," Mark Liu told reporters.

TSMC is investing $40 billion in a new plant in Arizona.

The U.S. Department of Commerce will protect confidential business information and expects that the requirement to share excess profit will only occur where projects significantly exceed projected cash flow, a Department of Commerce official said, citing its notice for the funding.

It will accept subsidy applications for leading-edge chip facilities from March 31, and for current-generation, mature-node and back-end production facilities from June 26.

Also on Thursday, South Korea's parliament approved a bill offering large tax breaks to strategic industries - including the semiconductor industry - which invest at home, to strengthen supply-chain security while boosting the economy.

The approval comes in the same month the government announced a 550 trillion won ($424 billion) private-sector investment plan to maintain the competitiveness of high-tech industries while other countries are actively bolstering theirs.

($1 = 1,297.8800 won)


fitzroy95 t1_je7mtgd wrote

I agree that removing guns from the equation isn't going to fix any of the core, underlying, societal, problems, nor will it ever make violence magically vanish from society.

It will, however, significantly reduce the ability of individuals to murder, threaten, wound and intimidate each other, as well as significantly reducing the suicide rate. people are still going to be able to attack others with fists, with a baseball bat, with knives. But the number of people ending up dead or maimed from those attacks will be significantly lower, and the number of mass shootings carried out in schools etc would drop like a rock.

Some of the volume of gun violence will merely shift to other forms of violence, but far less of that will be fatal, and the overall level of violence in society will almost certainly drop significantly as well.


fitzroy95 t1_je7e704 wrote

More open carry laws, must issue laws, concealed carry laws etc

all of which support more people carrying firearms in public, concealed or openly.

> A majority of surges in gun sales are a result of talks of gun control.

Indeed, usually driven by fearmongering, scaremongering, propaganda and misinformation from right-wing politicians and corporate media like Fox etc


fitzroy95 t1_je6alur wrote

and its almost 100% due to Republicans deliberately blocking every attempt to reduce gun violence, and actively pushing to increase gun violence in many states by putting more guns on the street, and in the hands of civilians.


fitzroy95 t1_jdtqa1l wrote

Attacks don't have to be physical.

An AI could destroy your reputation by publishing deepfakes online, or propaganda/slander against you, it would attack your credit rating via online transactions, it could wreck your life by taking over your work email and sending abusive emails to the boss...

Lots of ways that a malicious system could attack a person, or groups. Doesn't need to be particularly "intelligent" either.

and thats without looking at it taking control of your smart car and driving it off a cliff, etc


fitzroy95 t1_jdt2fr0 wrote

No, old societies were largely male dominated tribal groups, whether those groups were feudal, religious/theocratic, or any other hierarchical form. That model has been fairly consistent from human as ape down to modern times.

Direct democracies and representative democracies, are largely recent inventions from within a few individual societies over the last 2000 years.


fitzroy95 t1_j9vvf01 wrote

maybe, or not. However, places like Japan are investing heavily in humanoid robots to provide a nursing and companion service for their aging population and shrinking young population. I see those as being an avenue for adoption.

Some light housework, some nursing, some sitting and chatting.

either buy or rent...


fitzroy95 t1_j9uxeiy wrote

except that as volume starts to increase, and technology improves, those components start to get mass-produced and cheaper and the robots built from them will get both better and cheaper. Which is pretty much the path of any new technologies e.g. phones, computers etc.

You may not be able to afford generation 1, but 20 years later they will be commonplace and appearring everywhere


fitzroy95 t1_j738kmc wrote

it will do whatever its programmers tell it to do, based on the data and models it is supplied with.

Whatever it returns will be based on whatever source data its been fed, and the accuracy thereof. Which leaves it open to bias of any sort, of spreading misinformation, etc, if that has been included in its source feed, whether deliberately or unwittingly.

However, if there is an effort to sanitise all of those data feeds, there is also a risk of introducing bias from that sanitisation process based on the chosen sources


fitzroy95 t1_j60u1vs wrote

fearmongering is an incredibly useful tool to keep the population aligned behind your agenda, or at least more compliant, it is often just another form of propaganda and crowd control.


fitzroy95 t1_j5zn9dc wrote

Its those people with all the firearms who are the ones most likely to be imposing tyranny on the rest of the population.

Indeed, its those carrying firearms in public (esp those open carrying) who are deliberately threatening and intimdating all of those around them. None of them are spreading freedom, they are solely spreading fear, paranoia, intimidation and a threat of murder.


fitzroy95 t1_j4a0njx wrote

Some employment agencies also often check social media for job applicants, and bin any CVs for people with social media that have "inappropriate" content.

Sometimes there is no way to know how your media feed is impacting your life, whether positively or negatively.


fitzroy95 t1_j2kk1gf wrote

US propaganda via its corporate media has a much greater global impact, after all thats what has allowed them to invade, undermine, coup and regime-change nation after nation over the last 150 years, with a body count of foreign civilians in the millions.

Without their corporate media complicity and enablement, their incessant imperialism and warmongering wouldn't have been so successful and widespread for so long.

Russian and Chinese propaganda is mainly aimed at keeping their own populations compliant, US propaganda is aimed at convincing the western world (and their own populations) that US imperialism is acceptable, and all of those dead foreigners is just the price the world needs to pay to allow US corporations to rule the globe.