
fewbelrambling OP t1_jeft7c1 wrote

Autopsy of Joane Doe and The Others are two of the best horror/thriller movies I've watched. I will check out the other two as well as you clearly have great taste in movies. Btw, thank you for all the recommendations. I appreciate it!


fewbelrambling OP t1_jefh2k6 wrote

Watched 1408 and it was so good. I love psychological thrillers like these so thanks for the recommending. I've watched another movie by the same actor titled "Identity" and it had same vibe as this one and that movie was made on one location as well.


fewbelrambling OP t1_jecnw4o wrote

I just finished watching #Alive and it was awesome. I'm glad you recommended it cause it was exactly what I was looking for. Enjoyed it a lot. Also, I've watched The Thing and I will check out Green Room too. Thanks for the recommendations. Have a great day!