
f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 t1_j5drj31 wrote

Thank you, Dr. ifitfartsitsharts! I thought that was funny, but really, thank you for looking into this, and warning people to not mix medications. Bipolar is scary and unpredictable enough as it is, ruining the data will make treating the condition even more difficult.


f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 t1_j52z5b2 wrote

How do they prove she was "overserved"? I might not want to egregiously overpay for drinks, so I stop at the liquor store on my way to the concert, and enter the venue with a belly full of liquor. If I order one drink while I'm still sober, the bartender is liable after I absorb all the ethanol and start wreaking havoc?


f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 t1_ixl00c9 wrote

>there is nothing wrong with talking to a therapist if you really feel like acting on these things

Actually... if you tell people you are having suicidal thoughts, you may quickly find yourself losing autonomy and be held in a hospital for a week for observation at a cost of $50,000