
etantan t1_iuxctj8 wrote

For me, it is a step up especially on the quality of the bass. The treble of the oracle mk2 either ruins or highlights details in a song.

I still use the b2, it doesnt sound offensive, but sometimes it is boring. Gap isn’t exactly that big, maybe have to jump to a higher bracket to see a noticeable “improvement”


etantan t1_iuv53a3 wrote

I went through the iems you mentioned above (Aria>B2>S12>Oracle mk2) For me, the s12 is just as detailed as the b2, but on some songs it justs sounds like there is too much going on. You could say its a good complement iem to the b2.

Having upgraded to something even more expensive than the b2, I don’t really get to use my aria anymore. I usually use them when im lying down only.