
entivoo t1_jedj8ke wrote

Glad to see that the K5 is still alive and well. This was my first decent amp. I used to use cheap topping tp-30 just to amplify my Fidelio X2 but compared to the K5, that amp is far from sounding clean. After the K5 I decided to upgrade to the Topping E50 & L50, which disappoint me yet again. So far topping is nothing but disappointment but the K5 will always be remembered as a great entry level DAC/Amp for me.


entivoo t1_je9c457 wrote

I think it is kind of a preference, I heard because of this bass quality of the MDR-Z1R replicates orchestra hall pretty well. It just sounds more natural according to everyone that enjoys their Z1R. Sometimes being too "clean" makes it less natural. I have the ADX5000 and it kills all echoes and sound clean af. It doesn't sound natural but I kinda like it. I am aiming to get the Z1R next.


entivoo t1_je8wq7c wrote

Balanced is not always the best I think, but most manufacturers simply put all of their resources to balanced output and input if their amp/dac has both single ended and balanced. At least for lower end amp/dac like the toppings. High end ones mostly have the same quality of sound between the balanced and single ended output or input.


entivoo t1_je8w7ma wrote

There is a law of diminishing return and I think most expensive headphone are specialized in a certain aspect and most of the time the increase in sound quality that you get is so much less that what you expect considering the additional money you spend on them.

I suggest getting an entry level headphone, preferably below $300, and once you find a sound signature that you really like, it might be the right time to get something that is an upgrade to that kind of sound signature and move on to the more of the top of the line headphone. At that time you should be able to appreciate the small incremental increase in the type of sound that you really like.


entivoo t1_j9umxxe wrote

I can testify that Dekonis are poorly made especially their fake leather material. It peels off so quickly (not even one year of using them, bought them for my Fidelio X2). Not all pleather are made equal. In my opinion Dekonis are just too overhyped. Not to mention to my absolute disappointment they outsource their production to China, no wonder the quality is questionable.


entivoo t1_j9frndq wrote

Buy a FiiO K5 pro, it has a built in DAC and Amp in one device and you're good to go. Don't go with Toppings they are terrible. The treble sounds so harsh on toppings it is as if they boosted treble and bass to get that artificial clarity and dynamic punch.

Edit: Or if you're in the US perhaps Schiit products would be a better pick than Chi-fi products. Get a magni+modi stack or if you want an all in one solution (with DACs and amp inside), Schiit Fulla & Hel will do a great job.


entivoo t1_j67msor wrote

Reply to comment by dimesian in These are not the same by disco_g

Agreed, I also think that there are things that we've yet to measure and prove scientifically regarding how music sounds on different gears. Frequency response are one of those that we could already measure and have a standard measurement for but that doesn't mean that it is the only aspect that determines how music sounds on different gears.

We could only be scratching the surface on how to measure sound that is coming out from the audio gears that we use nowadays, but some people are just so certain that the frequency response graph is the only measurement that matters to determine how something sound.

I honestly think that is quite narrow minded of them.

Before gravity was researched and measured by Newton scientifically, does it mean gravity doesn't exist?

I hope in the future there will be someone dedicated enough to research this subject and discover what has yet to be measured now with the current knowledge we have.


entivoo OP t1_j5swpli wrote

The FiiO K5 Pro certainly doesn't sound as sharp with this headphone even though they are both the same sigma delta type of DAC. I am sure it is not the headphone this time.

The treble response used to be even sharper when I paired the E50 with L50. Now I have switched to a supposedly neutral amplifier marketed for professional use, the Lake People G111 MKII and it subdues the peaks quite nicely. It used to sound so shouty even when I am just listening to dialogues from game or movies.


entivoo OP t1_j5swazr wrote

I don't know about that . It is my first time experimenting with separate DAC and amp. Used to use an all in one solution like the FiiO K5 Pro. So I think I would experiment with other DACs and see if it made a difference. In this hobby one should trust their own ears.

Thanks for sharing!


entivoo t1_iy2a46j wrote

Grado has that industrial look to them that machinist would probably like. Sounds good for older people too cause they are less sensitive to high frequencies.

Edit: Just read that he likes to move around, perhaps IEM would be a better choice? I am not that well versed in IEM though. But Grado has their GW100 bluetooth headphone, you can look into them if you're interested.


entivoo t1_iy29fdi wrote

Having a hobby can be a lifesaver! It's been 8 years now and I'm so deep in my hobbies I forget to get a girlfriend altogether, people thought I am gay!

But gay means happy in old english so I guess it is kinda accurate?

Cheers mate for being happy in this hobby!