
endosurgery t1_je52jd2 wrote

I didn’t want kids when I was young and changed my mind once married. People also change. And young folks commonly don’t want kids and also commonly change their mind. I am against asking people if they want kids in general, but the question can seem as valid.


endosurgery t1_jaeaq8o wrote

Yeah why? I’ve earned more then 10 to 20x what my partner earns per year. She also takes care of the house, does the majority of the cooking, takes care of most of the bill paying, sets up my doctors appointments. With the hours I work she is indispensable to me. Plus, she also raised the kids when I was in school and in training and never home. She has earned and still more than earns her cut. Every relationship is different, but just because you earn more means nothing.


endosurgery t1_j6vj9f5 wrote

Back in my day, no parents showed up to watch middle school basketball therefore preventing such a thing. I would also suspect that even if they did show up their lack of interest would have prevented such a violent emotional outburst. People need to put this in context of their life and importance within it.


endosurgery t1_j6omt7l wrote

You need to talk to a person. These automated things don’t work. Once you talk with. Person you will get interviews galore. I switched positions after 15 years and it used to be that you spoke or contacted a person. Then they looked at your cv etc. I found this automated stuff a barrier. In every interview case I had to call them directly. One possibility that looked perfect did not have a number or email for contact. Thats the only interview I didn’t get. The job had been open for 6 months and was still open 6 months after I signed. Maybe they only look internally, but what a waste.

Utilize any resource in the profession. Friends or professors etc. A lot is who you know. The old boy network still exists. If you have an established person on your side it’s a big coup.


endosurgery t1_j69d8qt wrote

As a physician, I appreciate a sincere thank you. I don’t need anything else. i will always say that if you feel compelled to give some to me then donate to a charity.

In regards, to the nursing staff, you would have to ask them, but a gift card for a restaurant that delivers is always a good one. Nothing like getting done good food during a long shift. When I was in training the nurses always would share with us students and residents when we would miss the cafeteria. I always try to pay that back.


endosurgery t1_iyaohpy wrote

No, but colonialism helped create a system in which he was born with fetal alcohol syndrome. Should it lead to a lesser sentence? Idk, but he should’ve been getting help for his issues before he attacked people. Colonialism also lead to a system in which indigenous people have less access to these programs historically. So, should it be discussed in his trial? Probably. But, I’m not sure why he can’t have access to appropriate help in jail. I’m sure he is not the only one with this problem in there. It would make more sense to have help and protect the greater community from his violent shenanigans. I’m not in the legal system so I don’t understand the inner workings, but I am dismayed at the light sentence. Just my two cents.