
drewboto t1_j2uc6nq wrote

Right?! I'm all for better bike lanes, pedestrian pathways and better public transit but let's not act like we're all gonna find that extra date per year by cycling and walking. Also, I would assume bus stops and busses would be more like airports where people put in AirPods and keep to themselves. Anecdotally, I see drivers having social hour all the time with calls, messages and FaceTime anyway.


drewboto t1_j161fe5 wrote

I wandered through there in the summer. It was practically a woodland village. Also there's more woods on the other side of west bypass there too. Lots go further to the south closer to sunshine and there's more camps as well as camps behind McDonald's up in chestnut and bypass


drewboto t1_j15ptju wrote

There's some pedestrians with death wishes in that corner of town. I was riding passenger a few months ago on scenic coming up to Grand. We had the green light so we were full speed limit. Some dude on a bike on grand rides around all the stopped cars at the light to run the light while we're full speed coming up to our green light. I look over at driver to see that biker is most likely visually blocked by the A pillar for driver so I yell STOP. She slammed the brakes without questioning my yelling thankfully. By this time, dude is biking mid- intersection looking down at the ground. She lays on the horn, then dude lazily lifts his head to look at her with an expressionless face and keeps lazily pedalling across like nothing happened