
dowhatmelo t1_ixohu36 wrote

People can deal with the consequences of their own actions, i didnt make them go out and get pregnant. Just because a homeless dude has no money doesn't mean it's ok to kill them. Frankly though i'm fine with halving the military budget and using that budget instead for better social services for children. Bodily rights is just made up bullshit.


dowhatmelo t1_ixogtnw wrote

Mate they’re never going to limit abortions to just the first few weeks which is the only period you could legitimately call it a clump of cells. This sort of stuff always pushed later and later meanwhile actual fetal viability gets earlier and earlier as medical tech improves. As for legal classifications that’s a bad faith argument, there’s always stuff you can do at some ages and not others. Why can 18 year olds vote and buy guns but not drink alcohol etc. it’s not a proof of anything.
