
donttouchmycoffeesir t1_jbgakcd wrote

We definitely don't see eye to eye.

Nobody said anything about discipline. Kids are going to bike in the street and act like kids, you are taking a non-issue and deciding that it should be solved by police, who are historically not great at dealing with these kinds of problems. That WILL do more harm than good. Those kids do not need the police.

I'm going to assume that you don't go to city hall meetings or advocate for parks because you didn't answer my question, and I'll also assume you do the same amount (meaning nothing) to help the homeless find care and housing. If you think that sympathizing with homelessness or crime is causing it to become an issue you should educate yourself. Go to Lowell Community Health Center or to Lowell Transitional Shelter and talk to them about homelessness and what you can do to help and ask them what they need. They will tell you.

It doesn't sound like you do much but complain, so why would you assume this city would get better?

Nobody wants you to own property here if this is how you feel about the people that call the city home.


donttouchmycoffeesir t1_jbfvj7u wrote

What a horrible idea.

You think that kids should have criminal records for being "unpleasant"?
Over-policing is not the solution to any of Lowell's problems. I'm sure you're not showing up to city hall meetings and advocating for public parks or bike lanes, and even if you are, the streets don't belong to you.
If you grew up an an area where you had access to large, safe, public spaces for kids, I'm happy for you, but unless you are addressing that problem in Lowell, kids are going to be biking in the street.

Also, not very slick with your "thugs" comment. Take your bullshit to another city.