
dogegunate t1_jegn7xs wrote

What the fuck are you talking about? You're talking about the Soviets acquiring and operating a major US news station, not that the Soviets have their own news station they operate that we can view if we want to in the US.

Go strawman someone else.

Also, allow doesn't mean required. But I guess you're so neck deep in straw that you can't read a dictionary.


dogegunate t1_jeg3ryj wrote

The West is supposed to be championing ideas of freedom and liberty. So yes, we should be allowing that because we have decided as a society that it is up to the people to decide what they want to think and not what the government dictates them to think. Or do you want to be like authoritarian China where we put up a Great Firewall to block anything that government deems a "threat"?


dogegunate t1_jeg3hsm wrote

I saw a fairly upvoted comment on /r/worldnews about wanting to basically balkanize the internet into "west vs east" and cutting off complete access to Russia and China. It's amazing how people are so ready to punish millions of innocent people and adopt very authoritarian measures just because they hate Russia and China.

It really makes me think of when Reagan made a speech saying "Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall". But nowadays, it's the West that wants to put up walls. So much for the ideas of freedom and liberty.


dogegunate t1_jedgqee wrote

This is wild, people are actually upvoting the idea of blockading internet access to countries and following authoritarian China in making our own closed off internet. Yes, let's shut off access to the greatest wealth of knowledge and connectivity in human history to innocent civilians living in these countries because we don't like their government. Because that's what liberty and freedom, values we are supposed champion, are all about.