
dis_nahhhh t1_is0dsx3 wrote

I had to delete YouTube and Instagram off my phone to stop scrolling habits. I end up just looking up videos I want instead ones they suggest in my browser never clicking on anything I’m not searching for. You could either anticipate the bs chores and start before dad gets home while ignoring mom by listening to music or podcast lightly on speaker phone (maybe there is a band you both like idk) or lie about getting extra hours at work or school and chill at the library or a $10 a month planet fitness membership if you have. Many places offer student discounts so scout out those options to while your parents think your working an extra two hours. Maybe some friends have some personal goals fitness, reading more, practicing a skill and you can set up a daily accountability text chain linking videos of you doing push ups or summary of what you learned or you practicing guitar you get the idea. Don’t scorn your parents even if they are shitty people you got a roof and a plate and that’s all they have to provide. pity they’re mean nature as they probably have some shit they never worked through that causes them to lash out, you must not become what you hate. I think you’d be into Stoic philosophy quotes just to help accept what’s out of your control and accept responsibility for what is your attitude and effort. Good luck you can do this.