
dicklover_276 t1_iugdg6o wrote

Okay, I agree with everything you are saying here. OPs parents are abusive not only emotionally but also physically. I kinda realized that I've been being biased because I didn't want to admit that my parents may have been abusive.


dicklover_276 t1_iu9lpmj wrote

Yeah no, again, those two things aren't on the same level at all. You are comparing a regular and often used method of punishment to a fucking crime. Spanking your kids isn't illegal, rape is. It isnt just immoral. Raping your kid as "punishment" is so fucking far from immoral. It is absolutely awful. It isn't parenting. It's committing a crime. Again, I really don't know how you could talk about them as if they're both equal to each other


dicklover_276 t1_iu9jn6l wrote

Okay, first of all, I really hope that you never reproduce if that's actually something you believe in. Second of all, those are incomparable. You are literally comparing the more disgusting and degenerate crime there is to spanking your kid. They are not on the same level at all, I can't even believe that I have to explain this.


dicklover_276 t1_iu7e26n wrote

"From a legal perspective" what law states that spanking is abuse? Hitting and spanking your kids are two very different things and I think you have them mixed up here. Hitting would be with a closed fist or blunt object and striking your kid anywhereon their body. Spanking is when you take your hand or a non solid object and strike your kid on their ass. For example, my aunt would hit her kids with a wooden spoon. That was abuse.


dicklover_276 t1_iu7c0jx wrote

Okay, I so agree that OPs parents treat her badly because no kid who is treated well would ever describe their parent as scary but I don't think it's the spanking that makes them abusive. A majority of people spank their kids, including my own parents, but that doesn't mean its abusive. I don't think spanking is effective but I also don't think it's abuse or assault


dicklover_276 t1_iu79zi1 wrote

I agree that the lecturing part was enough, but, again, thats the way they chose to punish their daughter, my opinion doesnt matter. People parent in different ways, if spanking works for them, it works. You can't control the way people parent and can't say they're abusive if they don't do it that way you do it.


dicklover_276 t1_iu2vgbs wrote

I mean sure, but she's a child and she did something wrong and received a punishment. I don't agree with him hitting her but for some households, that's the punishment. if it was a closed fist or anything like that then yes, 100 percent abuse but it wasn't.


dicklover_276 t1_iu0pqbi wrote

I don't know, this is really 50/50. on one hand, I don't agree with spanking but on another, you didn't do work and still expected to go out? I don't know about other people's parents, but you don't get rewarded for not doing work. again, I don't agree with your parents reaction to everything and from the way you describe your dad, they probably don't treat you that well but actions have consequences.