
deephurting66 t1_itif30j wrote

Yes it has, people have THE CHOICE to believe or disbelieve the foil hats. Its all about independent thought, don't believe them and follow mainstream, good on you, follow Q and company down to flat earth land run by illiminati, good on you as well. Shit if you want to believe we live on a giant turtle swimming in space while worshipping a chainsaw named Fred good on you too. Why try and stop ideas, nobody should decide what is right or wrong except the person hearing it.


deephurting66 t1_itfxdk2 wrote

The annoying cheeto rumble and the summer of love riots, 2 sides of the same coin. Price of free speech, both were wrong but it is better than censorship in all its forms. Who decides what "truth" is? For decades it was the MSM that was the bullhorn now its a new landscape and information is finally free.