
deathhand t1_j852g8m wrote

You are paying for all of your units in your building. Normal gas usage for a stove top is 20-30 per month.

Your land lord is shady and I would move out asap. It's just going to be continual problems.


deathhand t1_j5inwv6 wrote

I was reading through the thread below and a commentor said that the real reason for return to the office is because upper management is just projecting their own insecurities and their own endless time theft.

Which if you think about really makes sense if your goal is to be "the boss" then you have this jaded leader/follower dichotomy vs just being a great strategist that can do more with scale. I think that's why a lot of smaller places are going to stay fully remote. They are about the work first, prestige later. This means that efficiency of these big places will be going into the toilet next 5 years as talent filters out and their advantages are lost.


deathhand OP t1_j4r7wzy wrote

When I submitted the article it was being downvoted. A normal person wouldn't have a negative opinion about this. If you hated/loved Adams it would be celebrated. Not wanting this to gain traction is more telling about how who doesn't want this to be known(the hotel lobby/dnc machine)


deathhand t1_ish7pso wrote

How do you plan to excerscise your executive power to help commercial and industrial land owners? From Niagra to downtown NYC there is a glut of unused and not needed space. Much of it sitting vacant due to greedy landlords. What plans, if any, are there to help alleviate zoning/permits etc to help use the space in more helpful ways to create more mixed use space to make areas more livable and less dependent upon commuting? Or movement towards a vacancy tax so that there is not as much incentive for physical property to sit idle leading towards the undesirable conditions we see today.

Swagger isn't ending wfh nor do the people want it meaning that there is a fundamental change afoot in this landscape. We continue to lose high earners to other states but people still want to live here. Why? Because of culture. What are we going to do to help energize and 'double down' on this strength for greatest state in the nation?

(I hate rent seeking behavior however our society is intertwined with it so we gotta do our best to work with it 🤮)