
dandaman910 t1_j6patxb wrote

University's need to figure out what the role of humans will be in the future and form their curriculum around that. If they're just forcing people to learn the things that AI will be good for then they're making themselves irrelevant.If we graduate just for no one to need us because AI can do it for free then the course was pretty useless.

Its like teachers in the 90s saying we won't always have a calculator. Well yea now we do. And there's no real situation where I won't use one so learning the manual calculations was a waste of time. I could've spent that time learning how to better apply the technology I had access to.


dandaman910 t1_j13y6pn wrote

I thought it was a bad decision to put her in a school with supernatural beings. All the best parts of the original Wednesday character was her interacting with normies.

But this show was basically made for prepubscent and teenage girls. So I'm not gonna hate on it too much.