
curiosityasmedicine t1_j4dnxxc wrote

Have you heard of complex PTSD or r/cPTSD? Sounds like it could apply to you and maybe it will help you find some useful resources. Pete Walker is one of the top resources for info on cPTSD. I can’t recommend his books enough.

Signed, an internet stranger with cPTSD from childhood abuse and neglect who didn’t even realize she had it until age 35, and also a long hauler for the past 2.5 years. I am convinced there’s a link between cPTSD and long COVID. We already know from the Adverse Childhood Experiences studies that childhood trauma pretty dramatically increases the risk for chronic illness later in life (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc, so long covid really fits).


curiosityasmedicine t1_j1fg1ee wrote

Some states have banned delta 8 but sounds like that’s not you since you have local shops selling! And the three brands I mentioned are reputable with their COAs. Before I moved to a state with legal recreational cannabis I ordered my D8 from those 3 places I mentioned. Hell, I still often prefer the D8 and D9 gummies I order online to anything local dispensaries sell.