
crashspeeder t1_jcwsqwz wrote

Rights aren't only for good people, straight people, white people, neurotypical people, patriotic people, or people who don't protest. Rights are for everyone (thus the name, rights, not privileges). Rights have been denied to many groups, and will continue to be denied to anyone "different" unless we fight against it. The mentally disabled are often the worst off, because they're easily taken advantage of, or coerced into confessing to something they didn't do. Work your way through the above list and come up with a good reason each group that doesn't fall into any of those should be denied their rights. If you genuinely believe the reason(s) you give then you're likely to be swayed by an authoritarian figure looking to exploit your fervor for their power.

When human rights are denied to the least of us they can be denied to all of us. Nobody is defending a murderer just to defend him. But what crimes would warrant the loss of rights you're so up in arms about? Vagrancy was a crime, but only black people were really accused of it. From that point on they were criminals, and even easier to deny rights to. Speaking out against the government can also get you put in jail, depending on how you exercise that right. Sometimes the government does genuinely bad things. You shouldn't lose your rights because you called attention do the government's misdeeds. And laws change. What's illegal today may be legal tomorrow. Similarly, now abortions are illegal in many states, but they were legal before. Politics changes laws, so being a convicted felon shouldn't mean you get carted off to a foreign country to figure out how to start your life from scratch. It's not that country's problem/fault, and it's your right as a citizen to live in the country you're a citizen of. What you're suggesting is being stripped of citizenship and leaving somebody stateless. I don't know that you understand the implications of that.


crashspeeder t1_j4ls5ic wrote

For me it's more "Mayweather trained who? For what?"

I don't even like boxing, but have to admit that Mayweather is definitely talented. He's a boxing champion, and that's putting it lightly. You may or may not recall the rumors from 5 years back or so where he was assumed to be functionally illiterate. He's also known for walking around with bags full of cash.