
cr0wj4ne t1_je9rvb0 wrote

I care equally about both the music and the lyrics. The idea of not being interested in the lyrics at all is bizarre to me, like if you watched a movie in a language you didn't speak and with no subtitles, but I get that people have different priorities when it comes to listening to music. I just think you're missing a dimension of music if you fully discount lyrics.


cr0wj4ne t1_je4wumh wrote

33-y.o. woman in the US and I've loved Nick Cave since I was a young teenager. He was the first artist I found who spoke to how I was feeling at that time in my life, and I feel like his music has somehow always met me where I'm at. I vacillate between liking The Bad Seeds and The Birthday Party more. I enjoy Grinderman but not nearly as much as Cave's other projects.


cr0wj4ne t1_j9qhv67 wrote

I don't expect much of anything from self-published works. That doesn't mean they're all, or even mostly, bad; I just assume that if a work is self-published, it was unlikely to have been professionally edited and may have never been read by anyone but the author.

In terms of traditionally published works, I expect correct grammar and spelling and for the writing to be coherent/easily understood/clearly edited. That's honestly about it. There are enough sucky books that were published traditionally that I'm not surprised if a character's motivations don't make sense or whatever. That doesn't mean I like every book I read, just that I don't consider a book unfinished or unpublishable or whatever because of bad characterization or a lack of worldbuuilding, etc.


cr0wj4ne t1_j9et121 wrote

No, because I don't think any particular person or political party or government should have the power to decide what is and is not harmful literature. There are plenty of books I think are genuinely harmful, but I'd rather they exist than someone have the ability to burn every book that doesn't align with their religious ideals or whatever.


cr0wj4ne t1_j28yd8n wrote

I feel like if you have the impulse to read during social situations, you should be more choosy about what events you're attending. I think it's generally acceptable to check something on your phone or send a quick text at a party, etc., but I don't see people just scrolling on their phones all night. I'd think the same thing about them, if I did, that they should've just stayed home.

Edit: I'm talking about social events you're willingly choosing to attend, btw, not, like, family stuff that is boring or unpleasant but feels obligatory. I think it's totally normal to escape into your phone at things you don't want to attend but feel like you need to. I have the Kindle app on my phone, so it's easy to read in those situations.


cr0wj4ne t1_j198cp7 wrote

Good writing, a focus on characterization, no typographical errors unless they're intentional/for stylistic reasons, and some kind of interesting vibe. I don't care about learning something if I'm reading for pleasure, and I don't need there to be much of a plot.


cr0wj4ne t1_iui1ra3 wrote

I'm with you here. I haven't seen the movie, but I started the book and gave up about a third of the way in. I can tell the book is trying to manipulate me and I don't like knowing that - I don't think the author did a good job with the twist. I also just find it boring.


cr0wj4ne t1_itq0qwa wrote

I'm with you! I have a Kindle, but 90% of the time I read on my phone. Like you said, it's so convenient. I really like being able to read throughout the day at random times, even if it's for short periods of time. I don't think this is sad at all - anything that gets people reading is good 😊


cr0wj4ne t1_irrbgzw wrote

I don't feel like I need to finish books just because I started them or like I am obligated to finish a book because the writing is good if I find the book itself upsetting/uncomfortable/etc. You're not going to gain anything positive from exposure to misogyny, racism, etc., and no one's keeping score of how many ~classics~ you read or whatever. I'd put this book down and find something that both has good writing and isn't gross af.

I feel like overall, there is sometimes an attitude on this sub that life is like school and we have to finish books if we start them b/c we'll get in trouble if we don't, but really, it is always fine to put down a book for literally any reason.