
cornerblockakl t1_iwxcarp wrote

No matter what you believe about your own super powers, you cannot predict the future. You simply can’t. And there is a whole (say it like Trump with me) HUUUGE group that believes that the real problem in the near future is population decline. The funny thing is that neither you nor they can predict the future that far out. (Roughly 30-60 years). So for Christ’s sake, just stop.


cornerblockakl t1_iw3q8wd wrote

Comparing actual artificial intelligence to the industrial revolution is funny. It shows a complete lack of understanding of intelligence. Our own “industry” is mostly piddily manipulation of Newtonian physics and some very intelligent people using thought experiments to describe observations of “things.” Ex. Gravity, electricity, light, magnetism. The vast and deep secrets of the universe are currently just that. And yet what we do know compared to what we have created as “intelligent” is simply not on the same scale. Our machines are truly dumb imitators that might play chess well but can’t create chess. You will know when we create intelligence when some of it commits suicide. That is the true test of awareness/intelligence.


cornerblockakl t1_iuizj3x wrote

It’s complicated. Very complicated. So complicated only a fool would put money on predictions in the future. Lol. So complicated that there will never be a precise graph plotting the demise of any species. Or sea level rise. Or temp changes. (The climate changes. Humans may influence it. So might the sun. Or axis tilt. Or a million other things)