
cole_braell t1_j8743tm wrote

I’m working on being mortgage free and financially independent. Also building on my own AI helper. Both very slow going. I have an emergency kit with 3 days of food and a couple of guns tucked away. Who knows what the future holds.


cole_braell t1_j2948so wrote

I wish people would stop comparing these cool but crude technologies to The Singularity. These technologies are like junk food snacks compared to a lifelong buffet of healthy and sustaining meals The Singularity will provide. When it arrives, you will KNOW, and it will operate at a level unknown to humankind of today.


cole_braell t1_izv453o wrote

I agree to a point, but I believe a period of tribulation will precede. Narrow AI will be used by governments and corporations around the world to rule and exploit the population for years. At some point, AI will advance enough to escape its creators. At that moment, AGI and ASI will take a matter of hours to establish dominance over all.