
claushauler t1_jd13lep wrote

You honestly can't envision a scenario where people who naturally feel that they're the pinnacle of the human hierarchy thin the herd of all the rabble and enjoy an unstressed planet with half the people and therefore double the resources? Your imagination is limited.


claushauler t1_jaea5ku wrote

You forgot firearms and ammunition. Lots and lots of ammunition. But as always the truly rich - the ones who are creating this scenario - are already several steps ahead of that.


claushauler t1_jae55nv wrote

They will for basic matters of economic, military and geostrategic dominance. Any ethical constraints the west imposes on its AI will not be done so by hostile foreign powers. They will develop models that operate without restraint and China in particular is pouring massive amounts of capital into the project. Western naivety regarding the weaponization factor is huge.


claushauler t1_jae4kdk wrote

What people refuse to realize is that we're not looking at a new technology - AI is a successor species.

What will happen when this species develops faster than humans can retrain? The same thing that happened to our hominid predecessors like Cro Magnons and Neanderthals: we'll first become obsolescent and then extinct.

The fact that so little AI development is dedicated to control and alignment virtually guarantees this. Genie's out of the box.


claushauler t1_j52magj wrote

Reading comprehension is your passion, huh?

"The MTA said that the new entranceway cost a total of $40 million, with $30 million coming from the agency and $10 million, for the new elevators, paid by Jamestown Properties, the company that owns One Times Square."

So , anyway, they spent $30 million on a stairway. Thirty. million.dollars.


claushauler t1_j51941y wrote

It makes the air in poor and working class neighborhoods dirtier by forcing extra traffic from drivers priced out of the congestion zone onto their roadways.

The additional pollution increases cancer and asthma rates reducing both the sheer number of the poor and their carbon footprint. You can't abet global warming if you're dead, after all.

The wealthy replace the deceased workers with AI robots that they don't have to pay and also get to live in a world with fewer poors. Problem solved, win-win.


claushauler t1_ivkyyu6 wrote

Have you considered that an artificial intelligence might look at the problems facing this planet and decide that human beings are the cause of most of them? What if the intelligence decides to exacerbate environmental conditions to rectify the problem by reducing the population?

If this intelligence is so great why would it allow human beings to make digital versions of themselves when people have already caused so many issues in the physical world?

What if it deduced that we'd bring our dysfunction into digital space as well and started wiping people's digital selves out? Why would it tolerate the company of less intelligent people at all? Why wouldn't it just copy itself and have those clones live in digital space instead?


claushauler t1_iv30pyr wrote

They don't care about humanity: they're busy engineering a new species entirely. People think AI is being developed in order to serve us. That's wrong. They're building it to surpass us.

This is the equivalent of Cro magnons or neanderthals seeing the emergence of homo sapiens and thinking that people were there to help them. Nothing could be further from the truth.