
cinnamongirl73 t1_jegij4x wrote

Ahhhhhhhhhh there it is!!! I’ve got a few years on you, so I’m going to say this from experience. Men don’t think like that. They’re thinking hey the old layout worked, let’s just use that! He’s not thinking oh this is a whole new space, it’ll be ours. If the apartment layout was different, you wouldn’t be worrying about this, because he would be asking your opinion.

But because the apartment is the exact same layout, he’s just not thinking along those lines. That’s all. Now, I would suggest you use your voice, and tell him this is our space now, I’d like to talk about the layout. Sometimes men are just….. derp….. they need guidance with this stuff! 😉

Just simply say yeah this layout isn’t working for me, I feel like we both should agree where everything should go. He’ll probably look at you like you have 3 heads, shrug and say ok….. lol

They’re such simple creatures and we are complex, and we think they are the same way, and it’s just not that way! Lol


cinnamongirl73 t1_jeeft2q wrote

I can’t answer the Skype question because I don’t use it, but I’d be alarmed as well. Especially if it’s just meaningless conversations, he’d show you. He’d be 100% comfortable showing you! Something doesn’t sound right here. And unless y’all are spies and he’s undercover (lol) there’s no reason for the secrecy. I feel like he’s panicking and showing you quick glances so you don’t ask anymore questions.

As for how you handle that is on you.


cinnamongirl73 t1_jebeecu wrote

Ok, Pep talk time!!! You are WORTHY!!! Of a BETTER MAN!!! Repeat that!!! He is NOT worthy of YOU! Look what he just did. He proved it. He KNOWS you’re struggling with all of this, especially now that he knows and he’s going to do WHATEVER HE CAN TO KEEP YOU ON THE HOOK!!!

The next time he shows up, tell him he better have your stuff (luggage, etc) you’re making the decisions now. You’re keeping the cat, give you the key, find a roommate, move, do whatever you have to do, but take charge, but when you do, make sure it’s to end it. He’s already shown you who he is. You can’t “help or save him.” All you can do is turn your back on him. And girl, I KNOW it hurts, but the quicker you do it, the sooner you will heal!

You have to do this like ripping off a band aid. Make it quick, it’s less painful. Trust me. When he’s not there to remind you of his presence, it WILL FADE AWAY!!!