
christwin t1_jdvo5ek wrote

I definitely understand the appeal to wanting to "rep" a city that you feel you have a strong connection with. As someone who has lived in the city for almost a decade now, I would feel awkward telling people who may be interested to know what life in the city is like that I was from here if I had never actually lived here. I think it's perfectly reasonable to tell people that you're from "The Baltimore area" or "Baltimore County" if you were brought up in Catonsville. but there's a lot more to be discussed about the city itself than our sports teams and Inner Harbor. If you feel like representing Baltimore City is really important to you, I would recommend making the leap and moving somewhere in the city that suits you.


christwin t1_iyedfk1 wrote

I definitely agree. As a homeowner in the city, I really hope that we're able to work on that while also finding a way to reduce the crime in the short-term. I want the city to be more equitable all-around, but I don't want the progress that is made to take so long that crime drives many more families out first.


christwin t1_iye63q1 wrote

I first read it that way, too, but I think the commenter you're replying to was only saying that he hopes that they're only attempting to get away with these crimes until we reach a point where the crimes will be punished adequately to limit them. Not that they're trying to get away with them because they're currently aware of the transition to a new state's attorney.

I'm also not confident that much will be done to limit the amount of crime that's being committed by teens as young as 13, it seems, in a more immediate way.


christwin t1_iy9qomo wrote

haha that wasn't me though! How was I proved wrong when I never said that? You wanted to talk about nitro stouts and I saw that they literally have their own nitro stout on tap RIGHT NOW lmao.

My initial comment wasn't even defending the ad at all. Just defending the fact that the brewery is worth visiting because they put out more than just the Blonde, including stouts (and even nitro stouts!) that the first comment referred to. It's definitely a lazy ad, but they're highlighting a local brewery by displaying a familiar type of beer that the brewery typically puts out. This has already been explained to you by another commenter, so I won't rehash it anymore than that. Your initial agreement with the fact that "That’s not even the beer they make at that brewery. They make the Guinness blonde there" is factually incorrect. Maybe "If u were less dumb" that would have sunk in by now.


christwin t1_iy93yc2 wrote

The "Nitro Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout" isn't a nitro? You should let them know so they can correct their taplists ASAP! I would highly recommend it, though. Seemed like a nitro to me!

Also, if they poured me that beer and put it in a Guinness glass, it would still be a Guinness because it's a Guinness beer brewed at the Baltimore Guinness Brewery. What an absolutely bizarre hill to die on.


christwin t1_iy8rl35 wrote

Anyone visiting Baltimore might not know which specific "obscure" beers are only available at the brewery, but I would think that many people visiting the brewery would know that more than just the Blonde is brewed and available there, just like any other brewery you would visit in the country lol. How does the fact that they brew lesser known "obscure" beers negate the fact that they brew much more than just the Blonde in Baltimore, including a variety of stouts (like the one in the image)?


christwin t1_iy4iyw9 wrote

Most households on my block were happy to pay upfront by either venmo or check. There was one household where I wrote up a little contract for them and allowed them to pay after the lights were installed. They ended up paying by venmo beforehand because the cost wasn't worth the trouble of continued back and forth for them. I think the fact that most neighbors could correspond on our block's facebook group and everyone knows my particular address helped to add a level of comfort.