
chicklette t1_irta8y4 wrote

I get about 6k a day. Every hour, my watch reminds me to move more, so I get about 250 an hour just by lapping my building once. It takes me 90 seconds. I get about a thousand steps walking to and from the parking lot at work, and another thousandish by walking to the neighborhood park after work (in the dark, but there are loads of families and dog walkers out at that time, so I feel safe). I go for walks at lunch if it's not too hot or cold; that's another thousandish for a ten minute walk. The game changer for me was the 90 seconds once an hour. Can you take that time once an hour to walk to the end of your block and back (or whatever will get you the 250 steps)? I've found no one in my office even notices when I leave for the 90 second walks, and we're in person. When I was WFH, it would have been even less visible unless I had some kind of invasive performance monitoring software, which thankfully I did not.

I'm trying to work up to 10k. We're coming out of a really hot summer, so hopefully as the weather cools I'll be able to do more before it gets downright cold.