
cedarpangolin t1_jacagkk wrote

Reply to comment by isab4rbosa in iPhone SE 2020 Issues ? by isab4rbosa

Believe what you will. Since you enjoy snooping in my comment history, notice many meaningful inquiries people have made where they provided information and users like myself were able to help diagnose. Good luck, hope you calm down and have a great day today.


cedarpangolin t1_jac9zdp wrote

Reply to comment by isab4rbosa in iPhone SE 2020 Issues ? by isab4rbosa

I don’t care really, the thing is there’s literally tons of posts exactly like yours so obviously you didn’t search very well: the never ending duplicate posts about the same things are annoying especially when people like me who are experienced with Apple products have answered the same questions again and again and still people keep posting the same question instead of finding the answer online elsewhere or right here with the search function on Reddit. New posters looking for karma points.


cedarpangolin t1_jac9u7r wrote

Reply to comment by isab4rbosa in iPhone SE 2020 Issues ? by isab4rbosa

Funny part is, I do search the web for answers first, then I go to the Reddit community to see if anyone has had a similar issue if I didn’t find an answer from a reputable source online. Jokes on you.


cedarpangolin t1_jac9rrq wrote

Reply to comment by isab4rbosa in iPhone SE 2020 Issues ? by isab4rbosa

Interesting. I didn’t say it’s foolish to ask for help ever - but after ten minutes the first reaction is to ask people in Reddit instead of googling the problem and checking Apple support communities first?


cedarpangolin t1_jaah84a wrote

That’s not quite true. There’s plenty of people who have qualms with iPhones, but still appreciate them versus androids. Not everyone is a fanboy addict. I’m appreciative of Apple, and I do love my 13 pro max. But I’m not oblivious to some shortcomings. Every device has some. Thankfully iPhones have less than most.


cedarpangolin t1_jaaepzt wrote

You know Apple doesn’t read Reddit right

Also, sms isn’t going anywhere for the foreseeable future. Advances in spam detection have been getting better, but so have the scam artists.


cedarpangolin t1_jaaehm8 wrote

Do you have old iMessages that are syncing? There’s no way one text only iMessage can use up 100mb, it’s not possible. If the message is a video or something that makes sense. If you’re upset about it, just disable iMessage in settings and use regular sms.

Or if you’re up for it, do a full reset and restore of your phone - that should fix whatever is going on.


cedarpangolin t1_jaae6s9 wrote

Prices can range but I’ve not seen any reputable ones less than Apple charges - and at least their work is warranties and official (doesn’t void your warranty and consumer law rights).

Same day with Apple is something you may have to negotiate with them. I do believe it’s possible they could accommodate that.


cedarpangolin t1_jaacr3k wrote

No, very unlikely Touch ID as you know it in the home button will ever be back. Possible that in power button Touch ID may hold on a little while longer (currently in some iPad models). I would not expect under display Touch ID any time soon either.