
cardboardunderwear t1_jc6norl wrote

The brand is worth way more than the formula anyways. When people are buying Pepsi they are expecting something that tastes like Pepsi. So tbh there really isn’t a ton of value for Pepsi to know how to make coke. Their bread is buttered by selling Pepsi.


cardboardunderwear t1_j9lqfph wrote

Interesting tidbit from the link:

>In 1975, Congress approved the protocol and President Gerald Ford ratified it. The U.S. would no longer use chemical weapons—lethal or nonlethal—in warfare. Ironically, tear gas has continued to be used as a weapon of pacification domestically; law enforcement from local police officers to the National Guard have continued to use tear gas to quell riots and prevent property damage.


cardboardunderwear t1_j838oyc wrote

Just by reading the article it sounds like this:

The UK, Australia, and New Zealand had joint control over Nauru. They mined the fuck out of it using chinese labor. In 1964, Australia felt guilty and said we'll move all you guys to another island. Nauru said screw that noise and became independent in 1968.


cardboardunderwear t1_j1xl54j wrote

>The new PA law does not make our roads safer - it does exactly the opposite.

Thats only true if the technology in question is more dangerous than people driving without it. Its not clear to me in the article that thats the case.


cardboardunderwear t1_iypn21o wrote

Carbon filtration removes most of it and isnt a bad idea anyways tbh. Will also pull out chlorine as well as things like TTHMs (a family of chemicals from when chlorine reacts with organics). You can get an under sink carbon filter + reverse osmosis and you're good. Good peace of mind. Better tasting water. Much less waste.

Even a carbon filter water pitcher is good.


cardboardunderwear t1_iudy4q9 wrote

You’re being downvoted but you may not be wrong. The paper in OP’s link seems to be essentially talking about a placebo effect that makes patients feel better.

Furthermore. CO2 buildup in indoor spaces (or more generally poor indoor air quality) has been identified as a problem in many building and in fact building codes are changing to require measurement and corrective actions (if required).

All of this contributes to how patients do and feel.
