
capt_scrummy t1_j5nblul wrote

That sucks. Unfortunately, booze and hormones have fucked up many a friendship... If she assured you things were ok, and in the past she has blocked messages during a time of duress, then probably the best thing to do is assume that she needs some space to take stock of everything. If she has emotional issues that have gotten her committed in the past and she's going through it now, it may be best to give her that space for the time being. Also, if she was that drunk, she would have no doubt been terribly hungover, and maybe needs a couple days convalescing to get back to normal.

PSA for everyone reading this: if a friend is coming onto you really hard despite never showing interest in you before, and they are quite drunk, don't do it. Especially if you're a dude and she's a chick. We all do dumb stuff when we're drunk. Emotions get weird, we do or say things we don't mean... So, if all of a sudden out of nowhere they're all over you, it could be the booze talking. Best thing to do in my experience is say that you're both drunk, or even just say it's you, and try to get them to stop. If they're on full blackout and don't or barely remember it, that's great; if they do remember it, well, it's better to have a conversation about it sober, form sure.

In any case, hope you guys are able to work through it and continue on as friends 🍻🙏